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BLINK 經歷了四十餘年的淬煉持續成長,用經年的專業技術並注入新元素,豐富了我們生活中的每一吋空間。
現在,我們希冀將此更深入至商業規劃,孕育「BLINK EXTRA」的誕生,針對許多商業空間,提供高端規格產品,完美呈現質感,並加強產品絕佳特性。
BLINK has experienced in the industry and continuous growth for more than forty years. Taking advantage of our technical expertise with new elements to enrich your life.
Nowdays, we create the new brand "BLINK EXTRA" for heavy commercial use and public areas which prefectly provides high standard product with excellent features.
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